Langue 3

Intitulé de la matière T311: Langue 3


Langue anglaise


Objectifs de l’enseignement

Understand and learn to effectively use geographical and environment terms in English and become more familiar with using English language in the field of geography and planning.

Connaissances préalables recommandées

Basic reading and oral communication, grammar, vocabulary building, listening and speaking. Reading of simple scientific texts, their analysis. compréhension of the main idea and a basic ability to communicate and exchange information in a simple way.


Contenu de la matière :

Introduction: Understanding basic geography concepts in English Speaking : logical development of ideas, participation in a discussion présentation, dialogue, interview, discussions, interprétation, assessment and generalization on the speciality topics. Listening:   to   authentic/simulated   texts   (présentations,   lectures,   académie discussions, conversations) of average complexity on speciality topics. Types of texts: practical guidelines and instructions, descriptions of a process, an interview, a conversation.

Language in use: forming and expanding professional / speciality vocabulary on the basis of the topics discussed, learning to use grammatical structures typical of scientific texts in ail language skills: tenses of the verbs, active/passive voices, order of adjectives, nominal adjectives.adverbs. Topics to be studied : Population, Destruction and conservation of the rainforests, Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, Ozone layer and the Greenhouse effect, Air Water and Soil pollution. Non-renewable energy resources, Urban expansion, Industrial pollution and waste disposai, traffic, Poverty and environmental damage, Sustainable development.


Mode d’évaluation : examen. Références :

  • Tyler Miller , Jr : Living in the environment ( ITP Wadsworth Eighth Edition ) 1994
  • John Swales : Writing scientific English ( Nelson Edition 1971 )
  • G Alexander : Developing skills : an integrated course for intermediate students ( Longman Edition 1972 )
